Hydroponic system (fan and pad greenhouse) is a well-controlled system of growing plants and crops using minimum soil and so sometimes it is referred to as soilless farming. The hydroponic system (Fan and Pad) can be referred to as a Fan and pad system that keeps the climate surroundings in a well-maintained condition for the healthy plants & corps. This is a well-known technique used by our ancestors thousands of years ago for the proper cultivation of plants without major usage of soil. The best example of hydroponic farming is the hanging garden of Babylon and the floating garden of China. However, advanced systems need continuous attention and extra care to crops than traditional farming methods.
This technique is one of the most popular hydroponic system used in the modern farming industry. In this method, essential water and nutrients are supplied to the roots of plants continuously so, they can grow at a fast pace and produce a large number of products. A reservoir pump is used to supply the required nutrition like water and air to the plants for better healthy growth.
The main benefits of the NFT are easy to install & comparatively low cost of the materials. There are two types of NFT systems available in India: horizontal and vertical NFT system.
A name itself says that the bucket is used in the system to grow the plants healthy. The buckets may vary in size depending on the requirements of the plants which will be grown in them. They have sufficient growing media like vermiculite that helps to grow plants at a faster speed.
Plants like tomato and cucumber having larger roots are grown in a better way with the help of the Dutch bucket system.
This is another popular method preferable for watery crops such as lettuce, cucumber, strawberry, etc. Small buckets or containers that contain the plants with the essential growing media are free to move in the tanks. Using pumps, the air is supplied to them.
Known as one of the basic hydroponic farming, the Wick system contains no any kind of moving tools. All the required nutrients & water are poured in the root of a plant with the help of wick which is directly connected to the growing media. By the way, this is also one of the most affordable ways to do hydroponic farming.
Since ages, farmers in India have been using hydroponic technology to produce vegetables and flowers. This system is similar to a net house that offers a convenient and suitable surrounding environment for plant production. All the required climatic conditions in this system can be maintained in such a way that plants can grow healthy.
As you have now basic idea about the types of hydroponic systems and how it works; here below are the plants that can be easily grown using the Fan & Pad Poly House. Have a look at them:
Lettuce (leafy greens) is the most suitable plant and effectively cultivated through this system. We would rather say that you should try the Hydroponic farming with the Lettuce. Because these plants have not deep root system and their height is short above the ground. This means there is no need to tie it to the ground. It takes around 30 days to be grown and the best pH value is 6.0 to 7.0. Nutrition Film Technique (NFT) is the recommended hydroponic type to grow this plant.
Broccoli is one of the most cost-effective vegetables to grow and cultivate using the Fan and Pad Poly House system because it requires a lower temperature to grown and no need for a continuous supply of nutrients. However, it’s a heavy plant so, sturdy staking is required to hold the plants strongly. A wide variety of Broccoli can be grown well in a Hydroponic garden but the growing technique may be varied depending on the factors like temperature tolerance and size. The recommended pH level for Broccoli is 5.5 to 6.5. And they require a minimum of 15 to 16 hours of light to per day for the higher productivity growth.
Do you know what’s the worst thing about strawberry is? It’s a seasonal fruit. Before it was only available when the crop is ready. But today the dynamics have been changed. With the help of Hydroponics farming, strawberries can be available 12 months in a year. Believe it or not, this fruit is one of the most popular ones in commercial hydroponic production. The warm temperature and 6.0 pH value are favorable to grow the plants healthy and cultivate in a large amount. This crop doesn’t fit the NFT systems, better to use another technique to get the maximum production.
Basil grows well in a fan and pad poly house system and is indeed among the most favorable grown herbs in the system. Nutrients Film Technique (NFT) and Drip System are recommended techniques. Once, the basil plants reach the cultivation level, you can harvest & trim it every week. However, Basil needs a lot of light and requires 15-18 hours a day. If they do not get a minimum of 11 hours of lighting in a day, your production will go lower. Warm temperature and pH 5.5 to 6.5 is necessary to get the plants grown healthy.
Are you interested to start farming using the hydroponic system in your backyard or at your open field farm? We are always there to help you in installing the system and guide you in farming in a productive manner. Give us a call today at +91 - 90669 06642 or just simply say Hi to info@zeelcofarms.com. We would love to make it work for you.